Did you miss an email about redeeming one of your rewards? No problemo! Redeeming your rewards is simple—this article tells you how. (Please note, though, that we fulfill rewards as they become available. If you don’t have access to a reward you’re expecting, check the campaign’s recent updates to make sure it’s been fulfilled. If it hasn’t been fulfilled yet, don’t worry—we’ll let you know when it becomes available!)
Here’s the process for redeeming available rewards:
- Go to the MCG Shop. Under the Store menu, select My Account.
- Log in. When you filled out BackerKit, you told us what email you use at the MCG Shop; be sure to log in using that address.
(If you don’t have an account yet, simply make one by completing the registration process on the log in page—just be sure to use the email address you gave us in BackerKit.)

- In the menu on the left, click on Coupons.
- This brings up a list of coupons for all rewards that are currently available to you. Note: If we haven’t fulfilled a reward yet, you won’t see a coupon for it. Don’t worry—we’re still working hard on it!
- Click Add All Product Coupons to Cart if you’d like to redeem all current rewards. Or you can click on coupons individually if you want to redeem select rewards. Just return to the Coupons page after each one.

- Click the cart symbol in the upper-right-hand corner of the page. This takes you to the checkout process. You should see all of your rewards in your cart, and a corresponding discount that makes them free. Simply check out! You’ll pay for shipping at this time.
- If your rewards include PDFs, you’ll be able to download them immediately. Physical products typically ship within two business days. (Check out our Shop Policy for specifics.)

Here are a couple of other pointers:
- If there’s anything else you’d like from the MCG Shop, feel free browse and to add items to your cart before checking out.
- We fulfill rewards as they become available. If you don’t see a reward you’re entitled to among your coupons, please check your email and the campaign’s recent updates to make sure we’ve fulfilled it. If we haven’t fulfilled it yet, don’t worry—it’s coming!
- We guarantee that your crowdfunding reward will be available for you to redeem for up to a year beyond its release date. (This means you can wait a bit to redeem your reward, if you’d like to combine rewards for cheaper shipping, are changing address soon, or similar reasons.)
- Coupons expire one year after the reward’s release date. If you need to redeem an expired coupon, please tell us about it through our Contact Us page so we can help you.
- Are any of your physical rewards gifts? Simply enter the recipient’s shipping address at checkout. If you have rewards going to different locations (perhaps some are for you, while others are a gift), you’ll need to check out more than once. Add all the rewards for the first destination to your cart and check out. Then return to your Coupons page and add the remaining rewards to your cart and check out again, providing the alternate shipping address when you do so.
If you don’t see coupons you’re expecting, or you experience any other issues, reach out to us at our Contact Us page and we’ll help you out!