Gen con was amazing—join us on a pictorial tour! But first, we are thrilled that backers of the Old Gods of Appalachia campaign are enjoying their rewards and we can’t wait to get even more rewards into their hands, such as the deluxe edition (coming soon!). And now, we are happy to announce that the PDF and standard editions of Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game are available for anyone to purchase on the MCG Shop and at fine gaming stores worldwide.
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Long before anything human roamed the Earth, the Appalachian Mountains towered tall and menacing. Their might was made a prison and tomb for beings of immeasurable malice and incomprehensible madness. But time shows no mercy, not even to mountains, and now they lay bare and worn like an old man’s spine. The walls of the prison grow thin, and those that have slumbered soundlessly for millennia begin to stir.
And call to those who would hear them.
The Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game Is Out Now!
Based on the award-winning and amazingly popular fiction podcast, the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game is a complete, standalone TTRPG powered by the Cypher System. Old Gods of Appalachia’s unique take on cosmic horror is personal, intimate, and atmospheric. And it’s available now!
We’re Back from an Amazing Gen Con!
This year’s Gen Con was truly incredible—a massive success in every way possible, and an enormous amount of fun. (But also incredibly exhausting.) Take a quick visual tour with us through MCG’s large dedicated room, which housed both our games and our booth—all of our activities, in fact.

Before we could enjoy the best four days in gaming, we had two days of setup. Let’s start there.
How would you find MCG and our games? To start with, there was a series of floor clings (each about two feet on a side) leading from the convention center’s main entrance right to our room. The clings had a variety of designs.
But that wasn’t all—not by a long shot. Here the convention center riggers are setting up the banner outside our room.

That one was big, but the other one, down the concourse, was GINORMOUS.
Here’s a look at it all set up. It’s hard to get a sense of scale in a giant convention center, but it’s about the size of the front of a typical two-story suburban house.
It really caught people’s eyes! We had several gamers come in and say, “Show me the product with that giant city creature from the banner in it!” (That product being Path of the Planebreaker.)

One of the two entrances to our room. Again, the scale isn’t obvious, but these doors are about ten feet tall and nine feet wide.
The gray lady began her work on Wednesday, before Gen Con even opened, frightening the Will Call line while we were still setting up
Much thanks goes out to Stephanie Kohl (in costume) and Sarah Tolbert (costumer extraordinaire), who brought the gray lady to life.

Signage throughout the convention center beckoned gamers to our room.

Our No Thank You, Evil! games and demos had a nice special area that was welcoming to kids as well as adults.

And we had a great place to check in gamers as they arrived for their scheduled events.
Behind it is the GM Lobby, with snacks, drinks, storage, and even a device recharging station for our GMs. They were welcome to take advantage of it throughout the entire show, not just when they were running games.
Pictured left to right: Kate, Jennifer, Evie, Tammie, and Zoa.
The sales area looked great and was chock full of shoppers throughout the weekend. And it was open whenever we were running games—from the early morning until midnight each night. (These photos are from early in the show, when we still had everything in stock. By the end, the shelves were picked pretty bare!)

The gaming space was nicely decorated. This was the first year we occupied a big room like this, and we came away with a lot of thoughts about how to really make the most of it next year!

Enthusiasm for the Cypher System was high, with hundreds of gamers who hadn’t tried it yet visiting our booth and the game sessions.
We’re now fully into Gen Con, and games and demos are underway. We had about 180 scheduled events, plus three tables that ran short, impromptu demos throughout the show.

Our GMs are rocking it—click through the carousel to see these talented folk in action. We had about 50 GMs on the roster. What a great bunch!

Squirrel Girl paid us a visit!
Speaking of costumes, here’s Javier Betrán (MCG’s graphic designer) getting suited up to be a burnt miner to promote the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game. Javier is assisted by Sarah, who made the costume, and Evie, who did the special makeup effects.

And in action! Our costumed characters (the miner and the gray lady) roamed busy parts of the convention center, promoting the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game.

We end our Gen Con tour with more of our great GMs showing gamers a good time. What a fun and successful Gen Con we had! If you joined us there, it was great seeing you. If not, we hope to see you at Gamehole Con in October, at Gen Con next year, or at any of the other shows we might hit in the meantime!

MCG’s presence at Gen Con 2023 was brought to you by the following people: Hannah Baker, Jeff Baker, Matthew Balogh, Lya Batlle-Rafferty, Javier Beltrán, Richard Bowers, Michael Bowersox, Andrew Cady, Cameron Cairney, Wallace Clark, Monte Cook, Bruce Cordell, Dominique Dickey, Kate Evans, Nora Feldt, Shanna Germain, Albert Gonzalez, Brandon Hall, James Johnson II, Eileen Kanost, John Kramer, Gennaro Kukonu, AlphaDean Lewis, Teri Litorco, Mark MacPherson, Collin McClutchy, Rich McKee, Murray Mikelait, Dominic Mohrhardt, Rachelle Morissette, Clara Mount, Chris Murphy, Chris Navta, Joseph Noll, Robert Payne, Drew Pessarchick, Troy Pichelman, Sean Reynolds, Scott Robinson, Bug Rogers, Brad Ryan, Charles Ryan, Hannah Ryan, Murray Ryan, Olivia Ryan, Tammie Ryan, Wayne Ryan, Wren Ryan, Luis Sala, Tim Saucer, Aaron Schonter, Jack Shedd, Zoa Smalley, Jon Smejkal, Matt Steele, Greg Stockton, Hannah Strang, Dave Thompson, Jeremy Tolbert, Sarah Tolbert, Will Trufant, Sarah Uhl, Michael Valdez, Ryan Van Every, Eli Walls, Evie Walls, Jennifer Walls, Wayne Walls, Bradlee Walton, Melani Weber, Bear Weiter, Steve Wilson, Scott Wynn, and Josh Ziegler.