Who: Team MCG and you!
What: Four days of games, events, and celebration!
Where: Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin!
Why: To celebrate our tenth anniversary, get a look at what’s coming next for MCG, and to play games!
Visit the MCG Staff in the MCG Lounge!
For the second year in a row, Team MCG will be taking over the lounge space on the second floor of the Alliant Energy Center, overlooking the main walkway of demo tables, streaming booths, and mini painting stations! Come browse our selection of products, and then get off your feet on one of our comfy couches for a moment. This is also the location where we’ll be running our games! There’s a bar nearby, and coffee and ice cream directly down the stairs. It’s a pretty sweet setup, if we say so.
Play our games…

MCG has four tables of games and events ready for players to get their gaming on all weekend! See everything we’re offering in the Event Catalog! We are debuting three new scenarios for Numenera, Cypher System, and 5ᵗʰ Edition, and players can experience Stealing Stories for the Devil! Here’s what we’ll be running this year:
The Takings (Cypher System)
It is 1921. Authorities investigate a series of disappearances in rural Dorset, but the villagers have their own theory: A local myth tells of a vampire that, every few decades, steals away three victims. Is there any truth to the myth, or is something more mundane at work? And what does it all have to do with Creston Grange, the local manor house, now standing derelict and rumored to be one of the most haunted sites in England?
Shards of the Looking Glass (Numenera)
The isolated aldeia called Tavrul is suffering a strange plague: duplicates of its citizens have started wandering into town. They seem to be identical to their originals in personality, memories, and ideals, but their presence is unnerving and confusing at the very least. Duplicates of the living were troubling enough, but now the dead have appeared—and their motives are much more sinister. Can the PCs discover the cause—and what happens when their own duplicates begin to appear?
Tyrant’s Key (5th Edition)
A duke of Hell forged a masterpiece of destruction, a massive flying battlecraft able to cross the planes: the Tyrant of War. Upon reaching a destination, the devilish ship could rain down hellfire-laced attacks of cataclysmic potency. But soon after it was constructed, Tyrant went missing. It’s been lost somewhere on the planes for generations—until now. An extraplanar adventure based on Monte Cook Games’s new Path of the Planebreaker supplement.
Trouble in Space (No Thank You, Evil!)
It’s a long trip to a far-away planet, but the spaceship is self-driving. Opik the Powerful wants you to keep Zow, a young alien, safe on the journey. It should be easy, because the spaceship is stealthy and nobody else is on board. What could go wrong? No Thank You, Evil! is the critically acclaimed RPG for families with creative kids as young as five. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who can sign up to join the game or just watch!
Master Thieves from the Future Save Reality! (Stealing Stories for the Devil)
The perfect heist. Getting in, getting out. Smooth talk and careful bluffs. Stealth, hacking, and quick action. You and your crew pull it off every time. Because you’re not just master thieves—you’re master thieves from the future, who bend the very rules of reality when you need to. And you’re going to need to, as your perfect heist encounters astonishing twists and turns in this unique zero-prep new game where players and GM collaborate to create the scenario and the plan at the same time. (We had to give it a cooler title because the game’s name and system are the same, which wouldn’t fly for Gen Con.)
In addition to the games run by our fabulous GMs, you’ll have the opportunity to play in games run by designer Sean K. Reynolds and MCG co-founder and creative director Monte Cook!
Monte will be running two sessions of Who the Devil Are You?, the genre-agnostic predecessor to Stealing Stories for the Devil, and Sean has three game sessions he’s planned:
Flies Like a Train (Cypher System) – SOLD OUT!
You’re Earth’s third-most popular superhero team. Your archnemesis, Doctor Diabolical, is up to something nefarious. Can you save the city before it’s dragged into a hellmouth?
The Last Days of Red Yoru (Numenera) – SOLD OUT!
The numenera has kept the village elders alive for over a century. Now their regenerative devices have gone haywire, unleashing terrible mutations and destruction that only you brave explorers can thwart.
Too Many Birds (Stealing Stories for the Devil) – SOLD OUT!
You’re augmented thieves from the future, stuck on 21st-century Earth. A zone of improbability threatens to break reality, but you can fix it by stealing one specific item in the heart of the zone… assuming you can get past the mundane and wild obstacles in your way.
…or run them!
Interested more in running games over playing them? We’re always looking for GMs, and folks who run for us get pretty good perks! (Please see Gamehole Con’s GM Policies for information on badge reimbursement, as the requirements differ from Gen Con’s.)
Email LaTia at latia@montecookgames.com to let her know you’re interested and she’ll get you all set up!

Check out our panels!
We have two seminars over the course of the weekend where you can get the first-hand scoop on some of MCG’s newest initiatives:
All About the Cypher System Open License!
Thursday, 4:00pm CST, Waubesa – Table 245
We’ll be hosting a Q&A session with members of the MCG team about the Cypher System Open License, what its existence means for your games, and how you can begin creating your own content!
Making Your Game Weird
Friday, 4:00pm CST, Waubesa – Table 245
Hot on the heels of our upcoming crowdfunding campaign for The Weird, our group of panelists will be talking about what it means to ‘get weird’ at the gaming table. We’re expecting this to get wildly silly, so you won’t want to miss out!
You’re also invited to our birthday party!
Finally, join us on Saturday evening at 7 p.m. CT in the MCG Lounge for our anniversary party! Similar to An Evening with Monte Cook Games at Gen Con, this will be your opportunity to hang out and chat with the MCG team and other fans of our games. In addition, there will be snacks, drinks, games, and perhaps some giveaways! We’re going to do it big this year and you definitely don’t want to miss out on this fantastic (and historic!) event. Tickets to this party are free, and you can register for it here!