Numenera Intrusion Deck

Numenera Intrusion Deck

Just the right intrusion at just the right time!

GM Intrusion Deck-2015-02-04-1

GM intrusions shape the narrative of a good Numenera campaign, offering an element of the unexpected and keeping the players on their toes. But coming up with just the right intrusion on the fly can sometimes strain even the best GM’s creativity.

NUM Intrusion Deck Cards

The 100-card Numenera Intrusion Deck presents scores of potential GM intrusions. Time to throw a wrench into the player’s carefully crafted plans? Just draw a card—or draw three or four and pick one that works best. You can even use the deck when prepping adventures, to help inspire the intrusions you plan for the encounters you design. The cards are color-coded for combat, interaction, and miscellaneous encounters—just draw the card type that matches the type of scene being played.

Save time and effort, and free your creativity with the Numenera Intrusion Deck!



Numenera Intrusion Deck
100-care deck or PDF
By Monte Cook
$19.99 (print); $7.99 (PDF)

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