Come visit us at UK Games Expo! We’re partnering with Eclectic Games and we’ll be running games and demos and have a full range of products to peruse and purchase. Read on for info on our promotion to benefit the world’s pollinators, how to increase your repertoire of character options, find out about the loads of fulfillment in the works, and take a look at Alchemy VTT.
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MCG is attending UK Games Expo!

UK Games Expo, one of the world’s largest gaming conventions, runs from June 2nd – 4th in Birmingham, UK. And MCG will be there!
We’re partnering with our very good friends at Eclectic Games of Reading to make this last-minute addition to our schedule possible. We’ll be running games and demos of No Thank You, Evil!, Cypher System, Numenera, and Stealing Stories for the Devil, and we’ll have a full range of products to peruse and purchase.
If you’re in the UK and planning to attend UK Game Expo, drop by and see us!
Saturday is World Bee Day—celebrate our pollinators with No Thank You, Evil!

World Bee Day is May 20th. To honor our world’s pollinators, Storia’s Woodlynn the Bee Queen has decreed that 50% of all of MCG’s sales of the No Thank You, Evil! line during the month of May will go to the Help Save the Bees Foundation!
Thinking of checking out this whimsical RPG for gamers of all ages? Grab No Thank You, Evil! now and 50% will go toward protecting bees! Already have the game, but looking for some new adventures? Check out Story, Please! or It’s Raining Cats and Dinosaurs!—50% goes toward the bees! Want some exciting new creatures to spice up your game? Uh-Oh, Monsters! is perfect, and 50%—well, you know where we’re going.
We’re excited to help support the pollinators who work so hard to play their crucial part in our ecosystem.
Who wants more ways to build or advance cool characters?
Maybe the question should be who doesn’t want more ways to build or advance cool characters?

Give your repertoire of character options—types, foci, descriptors, and abilities—a serious and very cool upgrade with Planar Character Options. Whether you’re creating a character born in some distant alternate dimension (or, dare we say, recursion), imagining someone touched by an experience or lineage from another world, or simply want to inject some cool new possibilities into your character ideas, this is a great title for any Cypher System player!
Planar Character Options released this week and is available now!
Loads of fulfillment in the works!
We have great news if you’re eagerly awaiting crowdfunding rewards: We are currently hard at work on several big fulfillments. And this is just the beginning—there’s a lot more in the next couple of months, including the big one: the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game.

One of the first steps in any fulfillment is data wrangling. Clean data ensures a smooth, frustration-free process for backers and for us. So we take the data backers provide to us via BackerKit, and run it through a number of processes to ensure it’s error-free and in good shape. When you have thousands of backers, it’s inevitable that a few mistakes get made—when you have tens of thousands, the number grows exponentially, as does the complexity of the errors. Fortunately, we only have to do this work once per campaign (not once per reward). Unfortunately, we’re doing this simultaneously for two campaigns: Old Gods of Appalachia and Adventures in the Cypher System.
It’s been a long haul (and taken a bit longer than we’d foreseen), but that process is coming to a close. If you’re excited about forthcoming rewards from Adventures in the Cypher System (existing products such as genre book bundles and the CSR PDF) and Old Gods of Appalachia (early rewards such as dice and dice tray), remain patient—they’re coming soon!
We’re digging the Alchemy VTT—and there might be a pleasant surprise coming!

Have you checked out the Alchemy VTT?
We’ve been working diligently to bring more MCG content into the virtual tabletop space recently, particularly with Roll20. We’re also starting to work with other platforms, and we’re particularly excited about what we see in Alchemy. Designed more for visuals than battlemaps, with a strong player video presence, and a native streaming capability, it sure looks cool. And the people there are great!
Alchemy is on Kickstarter now. The campaign has unlocked a ton of content goals. They’re announcing a new stretch goal this afternoon—MCG fans might want to pay attention!